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The Ultimate Massage For Men

Sound Healing Magic

A special "pre-release" offer from my good friend and colleague Alexander J. Wilson ONLY available to our dedicated friends and subscribers.

This collection of 9 of the most transformative sacred and powerful healing frequencies will help you heal, clear away fear and doubt, build beautiful long lasting relationships and welcome in the abundance the universe has to offer!

These are a very special collection of mine and now they are yours!
You will find each session lasts 11 minutes and 11 seconds. Perfectly optimized and exquisitely timed so that you can get maximum results quickly without having to meditate or focus for hours.
Scroll down below to find them together with the bonuses I promised.
Now available at a SPECIAL "pre-release" discounted price of just $ 8 (soon to be released to the public for $ 49.99)
ONLY available through this special offer on my friend Jim McPherson's website for a VERY LIMITED time!

 1. Sacred Abundance Tone 528Hz

If you’re tossing and turning over money worries at night, this session will gracefully shift you from feeling stuck in fear… to effortlessly soaring with complete freedom. Watch as your “Abundance Angels” flock to your side immediately after listening.

Frequency Used: 528 Hz – The Frequency of Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
The Sacral Chakra Clearing Session
2. Relationship Harmony Tone 639Hz

Whenever you facing conflict, whether it’s with a boss, coworker, or loved one, this healing frequency dissolves negativity surrounding the situation. This tone has been known to create major breakthroughs in careers, long-standing family issues, and in love lives too.

Frequency Used: 639 Hz – The Frequency of Connecting and Relationships
3. The Time Machine Tone 396Hz

Maybe the most transformative of all, this miracle frequency is like traveling back in time. Old hurts, wounds, and feelings of guilt are instantly cleared away. Many report feeling like the weight of the world has lifted off their shoulders in minutes after listening.

Frequency Used: 396 Hz – The Frequency of Liberating Guilt and Fear
4. The Awaken Powerful Presence Tone 741Hz

For many people, the biggest block that holds them back is fear of putting themselves boldly “out there.” This session allows you to INSTANTLY step into the most confident and magnetic true version of yourself that draws awesome people and golden opportunities right to your door.

Frequency Used: 741 Hz –The Frequency of Expressions and Solutions
5. The Anxiety Clearing Tone 174Hz

Do you sometimes feel anxious or unsafe… like you’re all alone? Just listen to this this grounding frequency to give your body a sense of security, safety, and love. It’s also a powerful frequency to help dissolve chronic pain both physically and energetically.

Frequency Used: 174 Hz – This is the lowest of the tones that appears to be a natural anesthetic. It tends to reduce pain physically and energetically. 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security, safety and love, encouraging them to do their best.
6. The Cell Rejuvenator Tone 285Hz

This frequency sends a message to your energy fields to renew and revitalize damaged organs, leaving you feeling like a brand new person!

Frequency Used: 285 Hz – This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.
7. The Metamorphosis Tone 417Hz

Just as a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly, you too are about to experience an incredible transformation with Sound Healing Magic. And with session number 7, all of this change is going to happen with complete ease, beauty and grace. This makes change so EASY!

Frequency Used: 417 Hz – This is the frequency of undoing situations and facilitating change
8. The Surrender To Spirit Tone 852Hz

No more getting lost on your journey. This frequency connects you to your “internal GPS” and navigates you turn-by-turn to your greatest destiny. The one you were born to live.

Frequency Used: 852 Hz – This frequency is used for returning to spiritual order
9. The Pure Bliss Tone 963Hz

This beautiful session has a very simple purpose… to help you feel more connected, joyful, and alive. Many report entering this session in a negative mood and leaving just moments later, completely “Blissed out.” It creates an incredible uplifted feeling!

Frequency Used: 963 Hz – This tone awakens any system to its original, perfect state. It is connected with the Light and all-embracing Spirit, and enables direct experience, the return to Oneness. This frequency re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness – our true nature.

1. Why is there a pulsating sound in the background?

The pulsating sound is the brainwave entrainment frequencies, they enhance the effect of the hypnotic suggestions by putting your brain into different learning modes and cut out external and internal interference.

2. How do I make it easier to listen to? If I put the volume down, will the effect be lesser?

You can turn the volume down – they are designed to be played at a low volume even if you cannot hear the words. The unconscious mind can hear things below the conscious mind’s hearing threshold and entraining your brain takes practice. You literally rewiring your nervous system. This is something that happens quickly but over time the effects can be greater so if you want to experience long term lasting wealth and success being patient with yourself is key to the process.

3. What can I expect from these audios? Will it change my mood?

These audios cause powerful subconscious shifts resulting in new ways of perceiving yourself. They improve your mood and if played at a comfortable volume, they revitalize and energize to body and mind.

Noticeable changes in attitude and beliefs can be usually experienced within 3-4 hours but can take longer such as 1-2 weeks. It varies from person to person.

The sessions change your relationship to situations from seeing things as problems to opportunities for growth, and moving from an attitude of disempowerment to one of gratitude and inspiration, making internal changes that are projected into the outside world.

4. Can I take a rest during the sessions? Will it lessen the effect?

The audio will likely work better if you listen to it whilst sleeping as the conscious mind wont be able to interfere with the suggestions and brainwave programming that are being implanted.

5. What is “Energy Orbiting” and why are these audios so effective?

“Energy Orbiting” is a new technology that infuses brainwave entrainment, hypnotic suggestions and NLP to focus the attention in a way that places the brainwaves in the optimum accelerated state for neuroplasticity to occur.

“Neuroplasticity is the term used to describe the electrical and chemical restructuring of the brain; it refers to the brain’s ‘muscle’ – what we do over and over again gets stronger whilst what we don’t do fades away. We are what we think and do.

This means that it is not only possible but easy for us to to rewire our brains, changing thinking behavior, habits and emotions, because through the repeated use of these audios you are physically restructuring your brain causing neuroplastic change where required.

Until the discovery of neuroplasticity it was believed that the brain was a fixed and static organ that stopped developing after childhood. Thanks to developments in the field of neuroscience and longer term studies, that is no longer the case. The brain has the ability to change and neuroplasticity is present from birth to death.

These audios work because they focus your attention on the changes required for your quick growth; deep focused attention that goes well beyond the conscious mind is necessary for neuroplasticity to occur. This is what repeated use of these audios will do and help to accelerate this process.

Whilst the pulsing audio synchronizes the brainwaves, the hypnotic NLP based suggestions encode new information into the subconscious mind, creating new synaptic connections within the brain; facilitating change.

Through the continued use of the audios, you are strengthening and reinforcing these new synaptic connections making the desired thoughts, feelings and behaviors more automatic because through repetition, your brain is getting used to using those ‘muscles’.

These audios are an extremely effective way at creating change because they induce the brain wave states that are most conducive to neuroplasticity. The deeply relaxed focuses state they induce when used consistently engages the neurotransmitters necessary for brain change and neuroplasticity to occur.

6. How does this technology work?

Brainwave entrainment, hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming are established technologies. The audio uses music embedded with brainwave entrainment frequencies that help the listener access the delta brainwave state. This is the state where all the subconscious limiting beliefs and blocks can be changed. Then while in this state the suggestions on the audio are accepted by the subconscious mind and therefore positive change can take place in the listener’s life.

7. I want to find my soulmate/true love. Will your program help me to create vibes for attracting it?

Yes, it absolutely can. As the Law of attraction states – when you’re a vibrational match for the reality you desire it will effortlessly manifest before your eye. These audios help you tune your physical and emotional vibrational frequency to match your highest passion and desires.

8. Can I manifest a dream job?

Yes. What holds a person back is they subconsciously hold a dissonant vibration rooted in negativity against with that which they desire so these audios allow them to easily and naturally release that negativity so you bring about positive synchronicity like just ‘stumbling’ across the perfect job or business opportunity.

9. Can the audios bring changes to relationships in my family?

Yes, as I have previously highlighted. When you listen to the vibrations in these audios they make you align your vibration with the feelings of harmony and unconditional love which you will also experience through loved ones.

10. I’m not exactly clear on what I want to Manifest, can I still benefit?

Absolutely, the more you unblock and raise your self-worth, the clearer you’ll become. You have to have clarity to manifest your highest dreams – it can get confusing when you don’t know what you want so by clearing your energy field you’ll begin thinking clearly and find clarity in knowing what you want in life.

11. What kind of technology are you using in the program?

Brainwave entrainment and neuro-linguistic programming encoded in a unique frequency.

12. Can I listen to audios with my CD player in my car?









Bonus #1 – The Art Of Angelic Reiki

This special report shows you how YOU can harness the ancient and sacred healing technique known as “Angelic Reiki.”


Bonus #2 – The 3,000 Year Old Healing Secret

This report reveals one of the oldest and most revered pain relief techniques ever developed. The Cupping Therapy.

Today, it’s used in alternative health clinics across the world, and even employed by Gold Medal Winning Olympic Athletes to recover from workouts and gain a winning advantage over the competition.


Get your phenomenal "Sound Healing Magic" collection of 9 audios (+ two valuable bonus books)at a generous "pre-release" discount of 84% off the regular retail of $ 49.99. A one-time investment of just $ 8 by clicking this link. Your satisfaction is backed by a complete 6 month money-back guarantee.

REMINDER:  50% of the proceeds received from your investment today will be donated to two of our favorite local charities,
Animal Ark No-Kill Animal Shelter and Union Gospel Mission of the Twin Cities.

And of course, your purchase is backed by a 100% guarantee of satisfaction.

Jim McPherson

(612) 743-5184  (voice / text) from an iPhone

(763) 333-6239 (voice / text) from an Android phone
