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The Ultimate Massage For Men

How to Spring Cleanse Your Home for Positive Energy

How To Spring Cleanse Your Home For Positive Energy

from my dear friend Alexander Wilson

If ever there was a time to focus on positive energy, it might be now ☝��.

If ever there was a time ⏲️ to connect to your inner strength and resources, it could be now.

The entire world �� is in the grip of a viral health pandemic ��, one that is causing international disruption and requires careful and immediate attention and action.

During this time of chaos and confusion, there are many things we can focus �� on to remain in a place of calm positivity.

There are many ways to react mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that will benefit not only you, but your loved ones in this time of fear and �� panic.

As we go through this period collectively, I will be offering my insights on how to boost your energy ⚡ vibration, how to remain calm, and how to cope as world events shift and change each day.


Today, I want to talk about how to cleanse your home �� energetically.


With many of us at home during this period of self-isolation or quarantine ��, I feel it is a wonderful opportunity to really connect to what we can control and alter for the better, during this time.


Your home �� is a reflection of your entire life.


Your mind, body, and spirit.

I know there is nothing like feeling relaxed, happy, and positive in your own surroundings, an environment that you have purposefully created to be calming �� and full of good energy.

Clearing out your home in springtime is a wonderful way to welcome in a fresh flow of luck ☘️ and positive energy to your life.


It’s particularly true if you have been dealing with some negative ➖ issues, heavy energies ⚡ or just generally feeling a bit stuck in certain parts of your life.

What better time than now to give your home a deep cleanse not only tackling physical dirt but energetically speaking also?

You’ve heard of Reiki, crystal healing,�� and other forms of vibrational medicine for your body and soul, right?


Well, this is like giving your home some of that vibrational medicine also.

Read on to learn how to energetically cleanse your home in order to bring in new energy, inviting in luck ��, abundance, and positive vibrations.


Cleanse and De-clutter

Before you can actually cleanse your space, you have to physically clean it.


That means going into every room, drawer, etc., and remove what is no longer serving you, or what is not aligned with your vision ��.

Start dusting ��, scrubbing, and mopping.


You want a deep clean, take it to the next level!


Energy Cleanse

Cleansing with sage or palo santo is therapeutic and beneficial to the energy in your home, it leaves the space with a sense of tranquility.

You may have heard of smudging with sage as a Native American Shamanic practice that purifies a space.


The idea of using smoke ♨️ to drive away negative energies has been used in many other cultures too — the idea being that the smoke attaches itself to the bad energies and as it clears it dissipates that negativity and transforms it into something positive.

It’s a great way to reset the energies in your home and prepare for a new, fresh and cleansed atmosphere.


How to cleanse with Sage or Palo Santo:

  1. Be sure to cleanse the area with doors and windows �� open for ventilation.

  2. Make sure the area you are cleansing is already clean and tidy.

  3. Set an intention or mantra ��. Something along the lines of “I wish this home only to be filled with positive energy, love, and light.

  4. Light the ends of your bunch of sage or palo santo stick and once alight, snuff out the flame and allow the smoke to waft. Keep a bowl beneath to catch any soot or ashes (not plastic!)

  5. Walk around the edges of each room �� and recite your mantra aloud or in your head as you cleanse each corner and space.

  6. When you are finished, place the ends of the sage or palo santo in some water to stop the burning.
Apply the basic principles of Feng Shui
You can use the ancient Chinese design art of Feng Shui to balance ⚖️ energy and bring positive vibes to your home.
There are some basic principles that are easy to adopt.
One of the most straightforward is the idea of balancing the energy of the earth ��, air, fire, air, and metal. Some very basic ideas are:
  • Avoid clutter so that you can create a clear stream of energy ⚡ throughout the home.

  • Place furniture in a way so that it does not block the flow of energy in a room.

  • Try to allow for as much natural light as possible.

  • Create balance and symmetry in your bedroom ��️.

  • Keep spaces under your bed clear.

  • Do not have your bed facing or right next to the door, preferably at an angle.

  • Bring in earth elements such as plants  �� to your bathroom.

  • Choose rounded edges over sharp ones (tables etc) this promotes softer energy.
Decorate with plants and natural elements

Placing indoor plants �� around your house can be a wonderful way to create positive energy flow and clear out any stagnant or stuck energy in your home.

Certain plants even work to purify the air like a natural filter, try the following in your home and feel the difference in the atmosphere.
  • Aloe Vera
  • Peace Lily
  • Bamboo Palm
  • Ficus Alii
  • English Ivy
  • Gerbera Daisy
Place Crystals in your Home

You can create an atmosphere of loving, healing energy with crystals.
Place rose quartz by your bed for loving vibes and harmony in relationships.
Amethyst by the front door for protection. Clear Quartz is great when placed near electronic items to fight against free radicals.
Hanging crystal pendants in the hallway or by windows creates a beautiful light spectrum and invites positive flowing energy also.

Create a Sacred Space
I like to create a space in my home where I can meditate.
You can call it an altar if you like, but it’s really just a clear, clutter-free space where you can place any candles ��, crystals or precious items to you.
I suggest placing your vision board here or any affirmations and desires you have written down or kept in special boxes etc.
Choose to create this space just for you, you can meditate here or just sit and read as you unwind in your home. ��



Silva Intuition System

By special arrangement with The Silva Method International, The "Silva Intuition System" now available for a VERY LIMITED time at this special "friends only" discounted investment - up to a $ 100 savings off it's regular retail cost.

AND you can opt to receive the entire course either all at once or can receive it over the course of a 7 week period for JUST $ 10 per week. 

for complete details visit "The Silva Intuition System"

see the link below for a nice way to start your journey into developing your intuition right here and now

click here to listen to a beautiful FREE guided meditation to help begin developing your guided meditation right now 


I have received several requests from our dear friends and subscribers asking why my standard "we donate 50% of all revenue received from items purchased from our online marketplace to two of our favorite local charities" is not listed on the investment info for the Silva Intuition System.

That is because - due to this very special arrangement with Laura Silva, CEO of The Silva Method - all proceeds generated from your investment of the Silva Intuition System go directly to The Silva Method.  We ourselves do not realize any financial profit from your investment - other than the satisfaction that you are gaining personal access to THE HIGHEST QUALITY of intuition development programs available.  We even cover the nominal Sellfy.com processing fee as well as the fee imposed by Stripe for processing your payment out-of-pocket.  We do this because we care about you - our dedicated friends, readers and subscribers.

We could just as easily have prompted you to invest in my personal "Developing Your Intuition" 7 week course as an alternative and kept all of the profits.  This "Developing Your Intuition" 7 week program was developed by myself from my decades of teaching the "Developing Your Intuition" course to many thousands of students throughout the US and Canada.  Much of the material in my "Developing Your Intuition" 7 week program was derived from Laura Silva's original "Silva Intuition System" which I taught as a certified instructor for The Silva Method for many years.

However, Laura has added so much valuable material and so many advanced methods to the Silva Intuition System recently that I wanted to make sure you had the most up-to-date and beneficial tools and techniques available to you.

So I hope this helps to explain why we are not able to donate 50% of the revenue received from each investment in the Silva Intuition System and this dynamically reduced limited-time-only rate to our two favorite local charities, Animal Ark No-Kill Animal Shelter and Union Gospel Mission of the Twin Cities.


Thank you for understanding.

By the way, according to our business agreement with Laura Silva and the Silva Method, we can only offer this drastically discounted investment in the Silva Intuition System for a very limited time - and only to a limited number of participants.  So if you are at all interested, please check out this dynamic program soon before it is no longer available at this incredible investment opportunity.


Now available from our online marketplace...
"Aphrodisiacs That Increase Male Libido"
Don't Let Low Libido & Testosterone Affect Your Romantic Encounters and Sex Drive
"Family Jewels"
A Guide to Male Genital Play and Torment
each only $ 7 for a limited time.
Or purchase both for just $ 10
*As with all purchases made through our online marketplace, 50% of revenue generated is donated to two of our favorite local charities, Animal Ark No-Kill Animal Shelter and Union Gospel Mission of the Twin Cities. 



Your sexual energy is the energy of life. You are a sexual being created from sexual energy. If you are not comfortable experiencing pleasurable sexual sensations, you are strangling your energy channels. That is why your desires have difficulty manifesting. The more you experience those exotic erotic feelings within you, the more your body’s energy will open up and allow you to naturally experience higher levels of health, creativity, productivity, freedom, abundance, happiness and enjoyment in life.

Allow yourself to experience yourself as an alive sensual and sexual being all day long. Let the sensual and sexual energy flow throughout your entire body. By letting yourself explore these sensual and sexual feelings anytime they arise, in any circumstance or situation, you gain the ultimate sense of freedom. Sexual freedom is a state of permission, which has been insanely suppressed all around the world. When you are sensually alive, there is an enjoyable exploration of your entire body.


FOR COMPLETE INFO, click the link below



I’m Paul Thomas, a professional life coach, yoga practitioner, and a deep believer in destiny.

More importantly, I’m about to take you by the hand on a magical journey to awaken your sexuality.

click here for more info on Paul's "Enlightened Sexuality" program


Upcoming nude dinner and massage exchange

Hey guys,

Organizing is underway for our next nude dinner and massage exchange - Saturday evening, May 9th

For complete details 



Promises to be yet another awesome evening of socializing, dining and the sharing of loving, healing, nurturing energy via the modality of massage.

We look forward to the honor and pleasure of having you join us for this wonderful gather of naked men.

If there is anyone who lives in the general vicinity of New Brighton and would be willing to offer a ride to and from our next n*u*d*e dinner and m*a*s*s*a*g*e exchange event (Sat. Jan. 25th), we have a dear friend who lives in New Brighton who would be very grateful for assistance in getting to the event.

If you think you might be able to help, please let us know so we can connect you with this wonderful young man.


nude housecleaning service available

hey guys,

many years ago I ran an organization called "Buff Dusters" a service which I offered to pair up people looking for nude house cleaners with those offering that type of service.  I actually had listings in 38 states throughout the US, with more than 400 guys offering their nude house cleaning services.  It was quite a successful operation.  Then someone came along and offered to purchase the business from me, thinking they could improve upon it.  Unfortunately they more than tripled the fee for guys to list and the business fell through in short order.  But it was a wonderful operation while it lasted.

A friend of mine wants to you to know about his nude house cleaning service.  Here's Paul's promo...

I do general cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, floors, bathrooms, etc, all done in the nude, Masculine, reliable, dependable, and for real. Available evenings and weekends. If you are interested reply for more information.



 If you contact Paul, please let him know you heard about him from me.  Much appreciated.


Promote your business or yourself to our valued readers

Do you have a business you would like us to help promote?  Have something to sell?  Or perhaps you simply want to let our valued readers know about you?  Looking to meet new friends?  Possible date?  Maybe more?

We have more than 17,600 guys - both locally and nationwide - on our contact list.  This would mean targeted "exposure" for your business or you.

For as little as $ 5 / month you can let others know what you have to offer.

We are here to help.

Ask us for details.


101 Ways To Hypnotize Anyone + 8 Habits of Enhancing Your Mind Power

My friend and colleague Dr. Steve G. Jones had recently released his new program entitled, "101 Ways To Hypnotize Anyone" and offered it for a special introductory investment of just $ 9.00  After the introductory release, he raised the price back up to it's originally scheduled price of $ 37 (still an awesome bargain).

However, I asked Steve if I could continue to offer these two amazing programs to our readers and subscribers for the specially-discounted introductory price of just $ 9 for a limited time.  He agreed.  So for a very limited time, this collection of these two valuable programs ("101 Ways To Hypnotize Anyone" AND "8 Habits of Enhancing Your Mind Power") are available to you, our loyal friends and readers for a SPECIAL one-time investment of just $ 9.

For complete details of these two amazing, life-enhancing programs - and to order at this very SPECIAL one-time investment of just $ 9 (normally $ 37) click on the link below

click here for complete details and on how to order "101 Ways To Hypnotize Anyone" for the limited release investment of just $ 9 (regularly $ 37)


Here is a FREE download from my dear friend and colleague Micheal Lee entitled "21 Powerful Ways To Persuade People To Do What You Want"

click here to read or download "21 Powerful Ways"


Also receiving great reviews - my latest work entitled, "Hidden Secrets of Stealth Hypnotic Mind Control"
(see link below) 

click here for information and immediate access to "Hidden Secrets of Stealth Hypnotic Mind Control"


Also only available for a limited time!  "Conversational Hypnosis Code - Basic" (see link below)

click here for more info and immediate access to Paul's "Conversational Hypnosis Code"

Be sure to check out our online store for more helpful audios, videos, publications and reports.



Blessings of happiness, health, peace and prosperity to you, our dear friends and readers...

Magical thoughts,

Jim McPherson

(612) 743-5184 (voice / text)


P.S.  Please let us know how we might better assist you in your journey.  We always welcome hearing from you.

" I have CDO... It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be."


Jim McPherson

(612) 743-5184  (voice / text) from an iPhone

(763) 333-6239 (voice / text) from an Android phone
